Ruby Necklace Symbolism: From Ancient Magic to Modern Marvels

Picture this: You're standing in front of your mirror, clasping a ruby necklace around your neck. As the light catches the deep red stone, you can't help but feel a surge of... something. Power? Passion? Mystery? Have you ever wondered why?

Welcome to the enigmatic world of ruby necklace symbolism.

Buckle up because we're about to embark on a journey that's a part treasure hunt, part-time travel, and all ruby-red fascinating.

Did you know that wearing a ruby necklace might make you royalty? Well, sort of.

Throughout history, these fiery gems have adorned the necks of kings, queens, and emperors. But why?

What made rubies so irresistible to the powerful and mighty? (Spoiler alert: it wasn't just their striking good looks!)

Here's a teaser: In ancient Burma, warriors believed that inserting a ruby into their flesh would make them invincible in battle.

For those new to the world of ruby necklaces, understanding the various styles and designs is crucial. Our comprehensive guide to types of ruby necklaces explores everything from classic solitaire pendants to elaborate statement pieces, helping you find the perfect match for your style and symbolism preference

Now, before you start planning any DIY body modifications, let's explore some less extreme (and less painful) ways to harness the symbolic power of rubies.

As we delve into the mystical allure of ruby necklaces, prepare to:

  • Uncover secrets that would make Indiana Jones jealous
  • Learn why your ruby necklace might be your new favourite good luck charm
  • Discover if rubies really can detect poison ( Elizabeth, I thought so!)
  • Find out which celebrity made ruby necklaces a must-have accessory in Hollywood's Golden Age

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Florea Gold Necklace Ruby Sapphire and Diamond

Are you ready to see the world through ruby-tinted glasses? Let's embark on this gemstone journey together. Who knows? By the end, you might look at that ruby necklace in your jewellery box with new eyes - and maybe, just maybe, feel a touch of ancient magic around your neck.

Ruby necklaces make exceptional gifts, symbolizing love, passion, and success. Discover why ruby necklaces are perfect for every occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries, and learn how to choose a ruby necklace that will truly touch the heart of your loved one.

Ready to uncover the hidden power of rubies? Let's go!

The Cultural Significance of Rubies: A Global Love Affair

Ancient Civilisations and Rubies: Where It All Began

Imagine being a fly on the wall (or a ruby on the crown) in ancient civilisations. You'd witness some serious ruby reverence!

In India, rubies weren't just pretty rocks but celestial superstars. Known as "ratnaraj" or "king of precious stones", rubies were believed to have the power to bring peace. But wait, there's more! The deep red colour of rubies was often associated with the life force itself. Talk about a power-packed accessory!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ori Large Pendant Necklace In Ruby and Diamond Set In Rose Gold

Meanwhile, in ancient China, rubies were living their best dragon lives. That's right—these fiery gems were believed to embody the power of the mighty dragon. Imagine wearing a necklace that symbolises good fortune, protection, and wisdom. It's like having a life coach, bodyguard, and lucky charm all rolled into one gorgeous gem!

Wondering how to style your ruby necklace for different occasions? Our article on matching ruby necklaces with various outfits offers expert tips on pairing these fiery gems with everything from casual daywear to elegant evening attire, ensuring your ruby always shines its brightest.

Rubies in Western Traditions: From Battlefield to Ballroom

As rubies made their way westward, they picked up some new party tricks. In medieval Europe, ruby necklaces became the ultimate 3-in-1 symbol: passion, love, and courage. Talk about multitasking!

Picture this: A knight, decked out in shining armour, sporting a ruby necklace as he rides into battle. Why, you ask? These brave (or superstitious) souls believed rubies would protect them from harm and bring victory. It's like a medieval power-up in a real-life video game!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ciceris White Gold Necklace Ruby and Diamond

But the ruby's résumé doesn't stop there. Ever heard of a gemstone with spidey senses? Legend has it that rubies would glow in the presence of danger, warning their wearers of impending threats. Forget about home security systems - our ancestors had glowing rubies!

What does ruby necklace symbolise? A Gem of Many Talents

At this point, you might be wondering, "What doesn't ruby jewellery symbolise?" Fair question! Let's break it down:

  1. Love and Passion: Rubies are basically Cupid in gemstone form. Their deep red colour screams "romance" louder than a thousand Valentine's Day cards.
  2. Vitality and Life Force: Wearing a ruby is like carrying a tiny, sparkly battery pack for your life energy.
  3. Power and Royalty: Want to feel like royalty without the hassle of ruling a kingdom? Slap on a ruby necklace!
  4. Protection: It's like a force field but way more stylish.
  5. Wisdom and Prosperity: Who needs a fortune cookie when you've got a ruby?

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Melba Rose Gold Necklace Set With Ruby, Pink Sapphire and Diamond

With all these symbolic superpowers, it's no wonder ruby necklaces have stood the test of time. They're not just beautiful accessories but meaningful talismans that have captivated hearts (and wallets) for millennia.

Now, let's dive deeper into the mystical world of rubies. Have you ever wondered about the spiritual significance of these radiant red gems? Buckle up because we're about to journey into the metaphysical realm of ruby necklaces!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Find Your Sparkle: Thamani Gold Pendant Necklace In Ruby

The Spiritual Significance of Ruby Necklaces: More Than Meets the Eye

Ever felt a strange energy when wearing your ruby necklace? No, it's not just your imagination running wild. You might be tapping into the spiritual power of rubies without even realising it!

What is the spiritual meaning of a ruby necklace?

Imagine your ruby necklace as a tiny, portable spiritual powerhouse . In many traditions, these fiery gems are believed to:

  1. Ignite Your Inner Fire: Feeling a bit "meh" lately? A ruby necklace might be the spark to reignite your passion for life. It's like a shot of espresso for your soul!
  2. Balance Your Root Chakra: In the world of chakras, rubies are the VIPs of the root chakra party. They're said to ground you faster than a lightning rod during a storm. Feeling flighty? Your ruby necklace might be your new BFF.
  3. Boost Your Confidence: Who needs a power suit when you've got a power stone? Rubies are believed to enhance self-esteem and leadership qualities. Next time you're heading into a big meeting, your ruby necklace might be your secret weapon!
  4. Attract Love and Passion: Single and ready to mingle? Are you looking to spice things up in your relationship? Rubies have been love magnets since time immemorial. Just don't blame us if you suddenly become irresistible!
  5. Provide Protection: Think of your ruby necklace as a stylish spiritual bodyguard. It's said to ward off negative energies faster than you can say, "Bad vibes, begone!"

Discover the perfect ruby necklace to enhance your spiritual journey.

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ciceris Rose Gold Necklace Pink Sapphire and Diamond

Rubies: Nature's Own Poison Detectors?

Ever wondered if your ruby necklace could double as a secret agent gadget? According to some historical accounts, you're not alone in that thought!

See Queen Elizabeth I, the legendary Tudor monarch with a penchant for precious gems and a healthy dose of paranoia (hey, it wasn't easy being queen in those days!). Legend has it that Queen Elizabeth I believed her ruby ring could detect poison. The story goes that if a poisoned drink were nearby, the ruby would darken and sparkle differently.

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Florea White Gold Necklace Ruby Sapphire and Diamond

Now, before you start using your ruby necklace to test your suspicious-looking smoothies, let's get real. While rubies don't actually change colour in the presence of poison, this myth might have a kernel of truth. Rubies fluoresce under UV light, which could appear as a colour change in certain lighting conditions. So, while your ruby necklace won't save you from a villainous plot, it might look pretty cool at your next blacklight party!

Hollywood's Ruby Revolution: When Tinseltown Went Red

Lights, camera, rubies! During Hollywood's Golden Age, one star shone as brightly as the gems she adored - the incomparable

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ori Medium Pendant Necklace In Ruby and Diamond Set In Gold

Mary Pickford.


Known as "America's Sweetheart," Pickford wasn't just a silent film icon; she was a trendsetter extraordinaire. In the 1920s and 30s, Pickford's love for ruby necklaces sparked a jewellery revolution in Tinseltown and beyond.

Pickford often sported stunning ruby necklaces both on and off screen, making them the must-have accessory for every aspiring starlet. Her most famous piece? A spectacular ruby and diamond necklace that she wore to the 1st Academy Awards in 1929 . Talk about making a red carpet statement!

Thanks to Pickford's influence, ruby necklaces became synonymous with Hollywood glamour. Stars like Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, and later Elizabeth Taylor embraced the ruby trend, cementing its status as the gemstone of the stars.

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Glorie White Gold Necklace Set With Ruby

So, the next time you clasp a ruby necklace around your neck, remember you're channeling the spirit of Hollywood's Golden Age, with a touch of royal intrigue thrown in for good measure. Now, that's what we call star power!

Proper care is essential to maintain the beauty and symbolism of your ruby necklace. Learn how to clean your ruby necklace at home with our easy-to-follow guide, ensuring your precious gem continues to radiate its powerful energy and stunning beauty for years to come.

What is the myth of the ruby gemstone?

Now, let's talk myths. Get ready because Ruby Legend is wilder than your average fantasy novel!

The Burmese Dragon Legend: Picture this - a dragon lays three eggs. From the first hatches, the future king of Burma; from the second, the Emperor of China; and from the third? You guessed it - rubies! Talk about a royal origin story!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ori Small Pendant Necklace In Ruby and Diamond Set In Gold

The Glowing Ruby of Warning: Remember our medieval knights? They believed rubies would glow to warn of danger. Imagine your necklace lighting up like a Christmas tree when your ex walks into the room. Now, that's a superpower we could all use!

The Indestructible Gem: Some ancient tales claim that rubies, when buried in the ground, would eventually turn into sapphires and then back into rubies. It's like the gemstone version of a butterfly's lifecycle, only sparkier!

What are 3 interesting facts about rubies?

  1. The Pigeon's Blood Ruby: The most prized rubies have a colour described as "pigeon's blood". Don't worry; no pigeons were harmed while naming this gem. It's a fancy way of saying "really, really red".
  2. Rubies and Sapphires: Secret Siblings: Here's a mind-bender for you - rubies and sapphires are essentially the same stone (corundum), just with different colour compounds. It's like finding out your favourite celebrity is actually twins!
  3. The Star Ruby: Some rubies display a star-like pattern when viewed under direct light. It's called asterism, and it's like having a tiny constellation right on your necklace. Stargazing, anyone?

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Oreol Pendant Necklace In Ruby and Diamond Set In Gold

So, the next time you clasp that ruby necklace around your neck, remember - you're not just wearing a pretty gem. You're carrying centuries of myth, magic, and meaning.

Who knew accessorising could be so profound?

Ready to dive even deeper into the world of ruby symbolism? Let's explore how these fiery gems have shaped our culture, from ancient kingdoms to modern-day runways!

Ruby Necklaces: From Ancient Royalty to Modern-Day Runways

Have you ever wondered why rubies seem to pop everywhere, from fairy tales to fashion magazines? Let's unravel the ruby's red thread through history and pop culture!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Pristi Gold Necklace Diamond and Ruby

What is Ruby symbolic of in the halls of power?

Picture this: It's ancient Rome, and Emperor Julius Caesar has just strutted into the Senate wearing a dazzling ruby necklace. Why? Because nothing says "I'm the boss" quite like a fiery red gem!

Rubies have long been the go-to bling for the powerful. But why?

  1. The Color of Authority: Red has always been associated with power. Think red carpets, red sports cars, and, yes, red gemstones. Wearing a ruby necklace was like wearing a neon sign that screamed, "VIP coming through!"
  2. Rarity Equals Royalty: Back in the day, rubies were rarer than hen's teeth. Owning one was like owning a piece of the sun itself. Talk about a status symbol!
  3. Divine Right: Many cultures believed rubies were gifts from the gods. Wearing one was like having a cosmic seal of approval.

Explore our regal collection of ruby necklaces fit for modern royalty.

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ova White Gold Necklace Set With Ruby


What does ruby symbolise in the world of fashion and celebrity?

Fast forward to today, and rubies are still making waves, but in a whole new ocean:

  1. Red Carpet Realness: Have you spotted a celeb wearing a ruby necklace at an awards show? They're not just accessorising; they're making a power move. It's like they're saying, "I'm not just a star; I'm a supernova!"
  2. Vintage Vibes: Thanks to shows like " Downton Abbey " and " The Crown ", vintage-style ruby necklaces are having a significant moment. It's like wearing a piece of history, minus the corsets and questionable hygiene practices.
  3. Sustainable Sparkle: In an age of eco-consciousness, rubies are the poster child for sustainable luxury. They're durable, long-lasting, and often passed down through generations. It's guilt-free glamour at its finest!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Florea Rose Gold Necklace Ruby, Pink Sapphire and Diamond

What do rubies symbolise in matters of the heart?

Ah, love. The thing poets write about, musicians sing about, and apparently, what rubies have been symbolising since... forever!

  1. Passion Personified: If diamonds are a girl's best friend, rubies are her spicy alter ego. They're believed to ignite passion faster than a romance novel in a heatwave.
  2. Commitment with a Capital C: Rubies are tough cookies, ranking 9 on the Mohs hardness scale. (Only diamonds are harder at 10.) This durability has made them a symbol of lasting love and commitment. It's like wearing your heart on your... neck.
  3. The "Other" Engagement Ring: Move over, diamonds! Rubies are making a comeback in engagement rings. It's perfect for couples who want to say, "Our love is as unique as it is eternal... and it looks great with everything!"

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Margo White Gold Necklace Set With Ruby

What is ruby a symbol of in the spiritual realm?

For those who believe in the metaphysical properties of gemstones, rubies are like the Swiss Army knife of the crystal world:

  1. Vitality Boost: Feeling sluggish? Ancient wisdom says rubies can energise your life force. It's like wearing a tiny, sparkly energy drink.
  2. Courage Catalyst: Need a confidence boost? Rubies have been believed to instil courage since time immemorial. Who needs a power pose when you've got a power stone?
  3. Psychic Protector: Some believe rubies can shield you from psychic attacks. So, the next time you feel like someone's sending you bad vibes, your ruby necklace might be your spiritual bouncer!

So, there you have it! Whether you're wearing a ruby necklace to channel your inner queen, make a fashion statement, spice up your love life, or tap into cosmic energies, you're part of a tradition that spans millennia.

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ova Gold Necklace Set With Ruby

Next time you clasp that ruby necklace around your neck, take a moment to appreciate the weight of history, symbolism, and maybe a little magic you're wearing.

After all, it's not just a necklace – a legacy, a love story, and possibly a supernatural shield rolled into one gorgeous gem!

Ready to find your own piece of ruby magic? Explore our curated collection of ruby necklaces and start writing your own chapter on the grand story of this remarkable gemstone!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Oreol Pendant Necklace In Ruby and Diamond Set In White Gold

Ruby Necklaces in the Modern World: Your Personal Talisman

Ever caught yourself touching your ruby necklace for luck before a big meeting? Or did you feel a surge of confidence when you put it on? You're not alone!

In our fast-paced, digital world, ruby necklaces are taking on new meanings and serving as personal talismans for many.

Let's explore how these fiery gems are adapting to the 21st century.

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Pristi White Gold Necklace Diamond and Ruby

The Modern Mystic's Must-Have

In an age of mindfulness apps and crystal-infused water bottles, ruby necklaces significantly impact wellness. But why?

  1. Stress Buster Extraordinaire: Feeling frazzled? Some swear by rubies as a natural stress reliever. It's like wearing a tiny, sparkly chill pill!
  2. Manifestation Magnet: Law of Attraction enthusiasts often use rubies to amplify their intentions. Want that promotion? Your ruby necklace might be your secret weapon in manifesting success.
  3. Self-Love Symbol: In a world of constant comparison, rubies remind us to love ourselves fiercely. It's like wearing a permanent "You've got this!" Post-it note.

Find your perfect ruby necklace and start your personal wellness journey

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ori Medium Pendant Necklace In Ruby and Diamond Set In White Gold

The Empowered Professional's Power Play

Who says power suits are just for the boardroom? Ruby necklaces are making waves in the professional world:

  1. Confidence Booster: Are you heading into a big presentation? A ruby necklace might give you that extra oomph. It's like wearing liquid courage (minus the hangover).
  2. Networking Ninja: Nothing breaks the ice at a business event like a stunning ruby necklace . It's an instant conversation starter!
  3. Success Symbolism: Some believe wearing a ruby can attract success and abundance. Hey, why not for modern-day moguls if it worked for ancient kings?

The Social Media Sensation

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ori Small Pendant Necklace In Ruby and Diamond Set In Rose Gold

In the age of Instagram, ruby necklaces are more than just jewellery - they're content gold!

  1. #RubyRed: Ruby necklaces are incredibly photogenic, making them a favourite among influencers and fashion bloggers. Your feed just got a whole lot fierier!
  2. Story Telling Gem: Every ruby has a story, and social media loves a good narrative. Whether it's a family heirloom or a treat-yourself purchase, your ruby necklace could be your next viral post.
  3. Sustainable Style Statement: With the rise of conscious consumerism, rubies are gaining popularity for their durability and timeless appeal. It's slow fashion at its sparkliest!

Personal Connections: What's Your Ruby Story?

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Thamani White Gold Pendant Necklace In Ruby

Now, let's get personal. What does your ruby necklace mean to you? Here are some ways people are creating their own ruby symbolism:

  1. Milestone Markers: Graduating? Got that dream job? A ruby necklace can be a beautiful way to commemorate life's big moments.
  2. Love Letters in Gem Form: Forget roses - some gift ruby necklaces as the ultimate symbol of love. It's like saying "I love you" in 50 shades of red!
  3. Self-Love Rituals: Some use their ruby necklaces in personal affirmation practices. It's like having a sparkly cheerleader around your neck!
  4. Family Legacy: Passing down a ruby necklace through generations? You're not just giving jewellery; you're bestowing a piece of family history.

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ciceris Gold Necklace Ruby and Diamond

So, what's your ruby story? Whether you're wearing it for its traditional symbolism, its modern interpretations, or simply because it makes you feel fabulous, your ruby necklace is more than just an accessory. It's a personal talisman, a conversation starter, and a little piece of magic you can wear daily.

The allure of ruby necklaces has stood the test of time. Dive into the rich history of ruby necklaces, from ancient royal courts to modern-day red carpets, and discover how these precious gems have captivated hearts and minds throughout the centuries.

Frequently Asked Questions: Ruby Necklace Edition

Got burning questions about your fiery gem? We've got answers hotter than a ruby's glow!

Can I wear my ruby necklace daily, or is it too fancy for casual wear?

  • Darling, every day is a ruby day! These versatile gems can jazz up your jeans-and-tee look or add extra sparkle to your power suit. Remember, you're not overdressed - everyone else is under-gemmed!

I've heard rubies can be costly. Are they worth the investment?

  • Think of a ruby necklace as the stock market of the jewellery world - it's an investment that pays dividends in compliments! Plus, rubies often appreciate in value over time. It's like wearing your retirement fund around your neck (but way more fun).

Are lab-created rubies "real" rubies?

  • As real as your love for pizza! Lab-created rubies have the same chemical composition as natural rubies - they're just born in a lab instead of underground. They're like the IVF babies of the gem world - just as genuine, often more affordable, and with a smaller carbon footprint!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Margo Gold Necklace Set With Ruby

How do I know if my ruby necklace is good quality?

  • Look for the four Cs: Color, Cut, Clarity, and Carat. The most prized rubies are deep red with a hint of blue, often called " pigeon's blood " (don't worry, no pigeons were harmed in the naming process). When in doubt, consult a certified gemologist.

Can rubies really detect poison like in old stories?

  • Sadly, your ruby necklace won't beep if someone spikes your drink. These old tales probably came from rubies' natural fluorescence under UV light. So, while it won't detect poison, it might look pretty cool at your next rave!

I'm not a "red person". Can I still rock a ruby necklace?

  • Absolutely! Rubies come in shades from pink to deep red, so there's a ruby for every skin tone and style preference. Plus, wearing red can boost confidence. Who knows? You might discover your inner "red person"!

How should I care for my ruby necklace?

  • Treat your ruby necklace like you would a pet dragon with love, respect, and regular cleaning! Use warm, soapy water and a soft brush, avoid harsh chemicals, and store your ruby necklace properly. For deep cleaning, consider professional services - your local jeweller, not your local car wash!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Glorie Rose Gold Necklace Set With Ruby

Can men wear ruby necklaces, too?

  • Of course! Rubies don't discriminate. Men have been rocking rubies from ancient kings to modern rockstars for centuries. It's not about gender; it's about style and confidence.

I've inherited a ruby necklace. How can I find out more about its history?

  • Congratulations, you're now a jewellery detective! Start by asking family members for any stories about the piece. For professional insights, consult a certified gemologist or appraiser. Who knows? Your necklace might have a history that is more exciting than that of a Netflix series!

Are ruby necklaces suitable for engagement or wedding jewellery?

  • Absolutely! Rubies symbolise passion and commitment, making them perfect for romantic milestones. Plus, they're durable enough for everyday wear. It's like saying "I love you" in gem language!

Emerald Earrings Juvetti Jewellery London Ori Small Pendant Necklace In Ruby and Diamond Set In White Gold